How Is The Response To Impulsive Buying On Generation Z Due To Flash Sale, Social Media, and E-Wom?


  • Moh Erfan Arif Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya Author
  • Ni Komang Gita Saraswati Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya Author


flash sale, social media, electronic word of mouth, impulsive buying


This study aims to investigate the influence of flash sales and social media on impulsive buying behavior among users of GrabFood food delivery services, with electronic word of mouth as a mediating factor. This research adopts a quantitative approach to explore the relationships between variables and elucidate the causal effects of the studied social phenomena. Data were collected from 150 respondents using a non-probability sampling technique. The study focuses on respondents aged above 17 years, belonging to the Generation Z. The research employs the partial least squares method, incorporating inner and outer model assessments. Hypotheses are tested using SmartPLS, examining the results through inner and outer model t-tests. The findings indicate that (1) flash sales and (2) social media significantly and positively influence electronic word of mouth, (3) flash sales have a significant positive impact, while (4) social media has a positive but nonsignificant impact on impulsive buying, (5) electronic word of mouth significantly influences impulsive buying, and (6) both flash sales and (7) social media can mediate indirect effects on impulsive buying behavior.



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How to Cite

How Is The Response To Impulsive Buying On Generation Z Due To Flash Sale, Social Media, and E-Wom?. (2024). Global Perspectives on Multidisciplinary Research International Proceeding, 1, 97-111.